Monday, 28 December 2009


Listen, I know you think I am dumb but I'll tell you now, I am not talking to you...

... Isn't it quiet?



No bloody swearing

Sunday, 27 December 2009

Planning for Christmas

I didn't need or want anything for Christmas.
Just as well realy as I didn't get anything I wanted - so that was ok.

The day did not go according to plan which was just as well as I didn't have a plan.
Great when that happens.

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Miss this

I have somthing great to write here...but seeing how nobody reads my stuff I decided not to bother....There, you just don't know what you missed....ha

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Lady Looking for Man - gsh

When a lady looking for a man puts in the advert
“GSH” (good sense of humour)

He will more than likely need one...ha ha...
ha ha

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Noise noise noise noise noise....

I was just really enjoying the peace and quiet and thinking how nice it would be if it was always silent like that - then a rock band came by on a motorbike followed by a grand with a two fingered pianist, 3 singers, 4 lawn mowers, 5 party poopers, 6 french horns, 7 pneumatic drills, 8 screaming kids, 9 power boats, 10 cars a horning, 11 police with sirens, 12 fireworks banging, carollers singing a partridge in a pear tree. They may sing silent night, but you can’t hear them.

Then there's all that noise on television
Just when the narrater lowers his voice to say something pertinant the orchestra strikes up with some awful din.

Saturday, 14 November 2009


Have you seen my latest outfit? If you do find it, let me me know, ‘cause I am blooming cold without it.

The usual rubbish

I was going to write about litter today but decided it would just be a lot of rubbish.

statisticts and more statistics

I stuck my finger in a pie chart and got a taste for statistics…

extremely extatic

I knew a dog with three tails … he was really really happy

Blow job

It is very windy this morning. Next door’s cat along with all the crooks may get blown away.

Or they would drown....

It’s just as well fish can swim.

There's a hole in my ,,,,

There was a hole in my memory but I couldn’t look into it because I’d forgotten where it was.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Tuesday, 10 November 2009


Done I've been looking at my calendar and realised that apart from the fact
it's full of dates I have absolutely nothing to do.
I have been told where I can go though!

Size matters

No, I'm not telling a tall one - it definitely was not as big as that.
In fact it was even smaller. But then width isn’t everything.


I have lost one lens out of my specs Now I see issues from one side only I've had some wonderful arguments Ouch! There's no need for that..


My mother always instilled it in me... Right now though, I can't remember quite what it was...well, I think it was my mother

Today is wonderful

If I were not alive today I wouldn't be here to see and appreciate what wonderful opportunity today offers life - there is so much to do and see and experience about the day. I can't wait to get on and enjoy it....Oh bugger!...
Look... its raining.
Today I was going to install a "Yakmeter" but I got talked out of it.